What is the lesson of the universals by dr.cleofe bacungan? This is what Dr. Cleofe M. Bacungan stated from Values Education textbook: ". . . But beneath such diversity, there is clear convergence on some value, which can truly be called universals. No culture tolerates indiscriminate lying, stealing, or violence within the in-group. *Incest is *taboo by all cultures. Health, safety, productivity, efficiency, integrity, freedom, justice, beauty, love, family, solidarity, and respect for the dignity of man are valid for all mankind at all times. " Before he stated that, he introduced the uniqueness of some Filipino traits such as pakikisama and mahiyain. It determines the cultural differences of ours than others. However, he explicitly explained that in this world, universe rather, the moral principles were already defined. Regardless of nation, languages, economic and cultural background of every individual, there is humanity that unified all of us. He specified some...